HomeCurrent conditions

Current conditions

Find in this section the current weather conditions observed. All data come from my Davis Weather Station. Update every 10 min

Current Low High

Temperature (10m)
-15.0°C Trend 0 -15.7°C -13.6°C
Temperature (1.5m)
-15.0°C Trend 10 min +0.2 -16.7°C -13.9°C
Humidity 10m
84% Trend 10min  0 82% 86%
Humidity 1.5m
83% Trend 10min  -1 81% 85%
1019.7 hPa Trend 1h -0.9 1019.6 hPa 1028.5 hPa
Wind gust 5.1 km/h 22.5 km/h
Wind direction Wind direction 22° N-NE

Graphical representation for the last 48 hours

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Detailed graphical representation for the last 24 hours

Last 24 hours


Past weather and reports

Past weatherFind in this section the past weather conditions, weather archive, graphics, reports and statistics.

Current conditions

Current weather condition for MontrealAll you need to know about the current weather conditions for Montreal. Weather data is updated every 10 minutes.

Weather forecast

Current Montreal weatherSince 2004, celinium.com website has provided accurate weather forecast for Montreal's island.