HomeNOAA yearly report

NOAA yearly report

Weather summary for the current year

                            ANNUAL CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY

CITY: Ville St-Laurent   STATE: Qc - Canada  

               TEMPERATURE (°C), HEAT BASE 18.3, COOL BASE 18.3
                          DEP.  HEAT  COOL                                          
        MEAN  MEAN        FROM  DEG   DEG                        MAX  MAX  MIN  MIN 
 YR MO  MAX   MIN   MEAN  NORM  DAYS  DAYS  HI  DATE  LOW  DATE  >=32 <=0  <=0  <=-18 
 25  1  -4.8 -11.0  -8.1   0.0   815     0   2.8  18 -19.0   30    0   27   30    1
 25  2  -7.3 -16.5 -11.7   0.0   149     0  -1.2   3 -20.2    2    0    5    5    3
 25  3
 25  4
 25  5
 25  6
 25  7
 25  8
 25  9
 25 10
 25 11
 25 12
        -5.2 -11.8  -8.6   0.0   964     0   2.8 JAN -20.2  FEB    0   32   35    4

                                PRECIPITATION (mm)

               DEP.   MAX        DAYS OF RAIN 
               FROM   OBS.          OVER
 YR MO  TOTAL  NORM   DAY  DATE  .2   2   20
 25  1  11.6    0.0   4.4    1    6    3    0
 25  2   4.6    0.0   4.6    3    1    1    0
 25  3
 25  4
 25  5
 25  6
 25  7
 25  8
 25  9
 25 10
 25 11
 25 12
        16.2   0.0   4.6  FEB    7    4    0

                                WIND SPEED (km/hr)
 25  1   9.9  86.9   27     W
 25  2   7.2  43.5    4     W
 25  3
 25  4
 25  5
 25  6
 25  7
 25  8
 25  9
 25 10
 25 11
 25 12
         9.5  86.9  JAN    W

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Current conditions

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Weather forecast

Current Montreal weatherSince 2004, celinium.com website has provided accurate weather forecast for Montreal's island.